Wildfire Relief UPDATE - Continued Prayers For The Panhandle - AgTexas Farm Credit Services

Wildfire Relief UPDATE – Continued Prayers For The Panhandle

By February 29, 2024March 15th, 2024Blog
prayers for the panhandle

AgTexas would like to address the current fires in the panhandle by saying our heart goes out to all who have been impacted. As you know, several farmers, ranchers, and families have lost their livelihoods – livestock, land, equipment, houses, and the list goes on. Additionally, many brave men, women, and first responders have been risking their lives working tirelessly to extinguish the flames. Our hearts are broken for the devastation that has taken place in the past few days. Will you join me in praying for the panhandle?

Heavenly Father,
We come to you at this moment asking you to comfort and stand by those who have been impacted by the fire and to place a hedge of protection over those who are still in danger. We know that you are a good and loving Father, even when it’s hard to see. Lord, we also know You are ruler of Heaven and Earth and we ask that you will bring these destructive fires to a halt. We pray for moisture and we plead that restoration will take place all across the panhandle. You promise to make beauty from ashes. Will You do that in Jesus name?

“…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” -Isaiah 61:3

In the midst of this tragedy, I am encouraged by the number of people banding together to provide support. The amount of meal trains, donations, and truck loads of hay heading to the panhandle brings a light to humanity. This is what the farming and ranching community is all about – helping one another in dark times. That being said, AgTexas is in collaboration with other farm credits to establish a relief effort for those affected by the fires. More details on this will come. In the meantime, please continue to lift these folks up in your prayers.


AgTexas has teamed up with several Farm Credit System organizations to contribute funding for those who were struck by the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle and parts of Oklahoma. The paragraphs in quotes below are directly copied from the Farm Credit Bank of Texas’ press release regarding this relief effort.

Farm Credit is rallying around ag producers and communities stricken by deadly wildfires, including the Smokehouse Creek Fire, which stretches halfway across the Texas Panhandle and into Oklahoma. It is the largest wildfire ever recorded in Texas and one of the largest in U.S. history.

Here’s a summary of our collective efforts:

Texas Farm Credit District associations, along with Farm Credit Bank of Texas and other System organizations, have pledged a combined $380,000 for fire relief efforts. Contributors include: AgTexas Farm Credit Services, AgTrust Farm Credit, Alabama Ag Credit, Capital Farm Credit, Central Texas Farm Credit, Heritage Land Bank, Mississippi Land Bank, Plains Land Bank, Southern AgCredit, Texas Farm Credit, American AgCredit, CoBank, Farm Credit Services of America, Farm Credit Mid-America and Farmer Mac.

As of March 13, the Smokehouse Creek Fire and other wildfires have burned more than 1.2 million acres north of Amarillo. Two people have lost their lives and many others have been displaced from their homes. While the full scope of damage will take time to assess, losses include livestock, homes and other structures, equipment, fencing, fodder and infrastructure. Texas A&M Forest Service and federal agencies maintain sites with the latest wildfire information.

In light of this tragedy, we are thankful the agricultural community rallies behind one another in times of need. AgTexas CEO, Kayla Robinson, shared a few words, Since 1916 the Farm Credit system has supported agriculture producers and rural communities throughout America in times of abundance and adversity, alike. On the heels of the largest and most devastating wildfire in the Lone Star State’s history, it is important that producers know and feel that the support from the Farm Credit network of banks and associations remains steadfast. Our prayers are with all those impacted by the outbreak of fires across the Texas Panhandle as well as the firefighters that continue to battle the blazes. AgTexas is proud to partner with other associations and funding banks across the Farm Credit system in donating to the TSCRA Disaster Relief Fund and at the county level through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

We are still praying for the panhandle here at AgTexas FCS, and we encourage you to do the same.

Ag Always,
Hadley Chote